An application for a permit under this chapter for all forms of business regulated by this chapter shall not be considered unless proof of the following, if applicable, are provided with the application:
(A) Proof of registration as a business with the Indiana Secretary of State;
(B) Proof of an Employer Identification Number;
(C) If business is to be conducted on city property, a resolution or minutes approving the same from the Board of Public Works and Safety;
(D) If business is to be conducted on or in property owned or managed by the city Parks Department, a letter of approval from the Park Board;
(E) If business is to be conducted on or in front of private property, a letter from the private property owner granting the business operator written permission to locate on or in front of said property;
(F) Proof of insurance in accordance with the amounts established in this chapter;
(G) If any type of spark, flame or fire will be produced, proof of an open burn permit issued by the city's Fire Department;
(H) A copy of the Indiana registration;
(I) Copy of a valid driver's license;
(J) Proof of an independent safety inspection of all vehicles to be used in the business in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the inspection checklist provided by the city;
(K) A scaled site plan showing the location of the proposed mobile vendor unit and the properties: drives, parking access aisles, fire lanes, sidewalks and accessible routes; and
(L) Proof of payment for, or exemption from, the applicable fee.
(Ord. 2019-2, passed 5-28-2019)