Accessory buildings, structures, and uses which are subordinate and incidental to that of the primary use, and is a use other than human occupancy, are allowed under the provisions laid out in §§ 2.06 - 2.09, Special exceptions may be permitted as an accessory use provided they receive approval as provided in Chapter 12, Board of Zoning Appeals. In addition to those accessory uses in §§ 2.06 - 2.09, the following uses set forth are permitted as accessory uses.
   A.   Child care, in home (four or less).
      1.   A maximum of four nonrelated children, may currently be cared for in the home without state licensing. Five to 15 children, excluding those who reside in the residence, may be cared for in the home if the resident obtains a special exception and maintains continuous state licensing.
      2.   No person shall be employed other than a member of the immediate family residing on the premises or a substitute caregiver if primary caregiver is unavailable.
      3.   No exterior alteration of the dwelling or any customary accessory structure shall be made which would detract from the residential character of the structures.
      4.   State licensed child care homes in existence on the effective date of this ordinance, but which would be prohibited by these requirements, may continue as otherwise regulated herein.
   B.   Signs. The following is a partial list of signs relating to residential areas only. All signs must meet the general sign requirements of § 11.09. For more permitted accessory uses information on height and location of signs, see Chapter 11.
      1.   Identification signs: One identification sign may be erected on each perimeter street frontage of a multi-family development, manufactured/mobile home park, single-family subdivision, or permitted nonresidential uses, including special exceptions. The sign shall not be permitted to exceed 50 square feet of display surface area. The sign shall not exceed 12 feet in height, and illumination, if any, shall be by a constant light. Additional or multiple signs may be permitted by the Executive Committee for one or more entrances. See Chapter 9, Development Plan Approval.
      2.   Church, public or semi-public buildings, or public park identification sign: Not more than one sign per street frontage not exceeding 50 square feet in size per face. The sign shall not exceed 12 feet in height, and illumination, if any, shall be by constant light.
      3.   Construction sign: During the period of construction, a temporary sign advertising the construction of improvements on the premises, may be erected on each perimeter street of frontage of the development. The sign shall not exceed 50 square feet in surface area, nor 12 feet in height, and illumination, if any shall be by constant light.
      4.   Directional signs: Two signs per entry/exit not exceeding six square feet in size per face.
      5.   Memorial or tablet sign: One sign not exceeding six square feet in size per face unless such signs are installed by the federal, state, county, or city government or agencies thereof
      6.   Property real estate signs: One sign per lot frontage not exceeding six square feet in size per face.
      7.   Special displays and other temporary signs: See § 11.11 of this ordinance.
      8.   Informational signs, not exceeding two square feet in size per side nor a height of four feet from the ground, which identify the occupants, occupation, address, and/or information. Examples of permitted informational signs generally include: privacy sign, trespassing sign, seed sign, etc.
      9.   Non-illuminated home occupation wall sign not exceeding two square feet wall-mounted on the dwelling; and if allowed with the special exception, one nonilluminated yard sign not exceeding six square feet in size per face. (See Chapter 12, Board of Zoning Appeals.)
(1980 Code, Ch. 156, § 5.03) (Ord. 1995-7, passed 6-5-1995)