(A)   A final order of completion shall be issued by the Common Council when:
      (1)   Construction of the cable system has been complete within the entirety of each franchise area in compliance with the construction standards and other requirements of the chapter;
      (2)   Cable services have been made available to 100% of the dwelling units within each franchise area;
      (3)   Any and all studio facilities, equipment channels and other services, resources or benefits required for public, educational, and governmental access purposes pursuant to the provisions of the chapter or the franchise agreement have been completed and made available;
      (4)   Complete and accurate “as built” plans pursuant to § 118.070 have been filed by the grantee with the city government; and
      (5)   A notice of completion has been filed by the grantee as hereinafter provided.
   (B)   For purposes of this chapter, cable service shall be deemed to be made available when cable services are offered on a non-discriminatory basis for immediate provision to the owner or legal representative of the owner empowered to consent to use of the property of such individual dwelling units.
   (C)   A grantee who asserts completion shall file a written notice of completion with the City Clerk.
(1980 Code, § 118.077) (Ord. 1996-4, passed 4-9-1996)