Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meanings of the terms used in these rules and regulations shall be as follows:
ALLEY: A narrow public thoroughfare, providing access to the rear of the abutting properties.
BOULEVARD: Within the city is that area within any street, avenue or highway right of way not occupied by street paving, curb and gutter, and sidewalks. An "inside boulevard" is the boulevard area on the property line side of the sidewalk. An "outside boulevard" is the boulevard area on the street side of the sidewalk.
CURB CUT: The total street curbing that is removed to place a driveway and slopes.
CURB RETURN: The curved portion of a street curb at drive approaches.
DRIVEWAY: That area on private property where vehicles are operated, parked, or allowed to stand.
DRIVEWAY APRON: The area, construction or improvement between the curb cut or proposed curb line and the back edge of walk or proposed walk line, to provide ingress and egress for vehicles from the alley, street or roadway to a definite area of the private property.
DRIVEWAY WIDTH: That portion of the street curbing that is removed excluding curb returns or transitions to provide ingress to and egress from abutting property.
EXCAVATION: Shall mean and include any ditch, trench, cut, hole or change of grade, including changes made by road grading by means of a blade or other device that removes, alters or adds dirt, gravel, or alters the crown of a street or alley or affects drainage.
INTERSECTION: That area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways which join each other at, or approximately at, right angles, or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different roadways joining at any other angle may come in conflict.
OBSTACLE: Any strung wire or netting, any fence or railing, or any barrier or structure of any kind whatsoever, but does not include trees, ornamental lampposts, telephone or electric light poles, United States government mailboxes, or other structures erected by permit to aid owners in caring for the boulevards adjoining their property.
OBSTRUCTION: Clothing, fruit, or any kind of merchandise, boxes, crates, trunks, racks, stands of every nature and description, and business signs.
PERSON: Every natural person, firm, copartnership, association, or corporation.
RIGHT OF WAY: Public property dedicated for streets, alleys or other public uses.
ROADWAY: That portion of a street improved, designed, and customarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the berm or shoulder.
SIDEWALK: That portion of a street between curb lines or the outer lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines, intended for use of pedestrians.
STREET: The entire width between the boundary lines of the right of way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
TRAFFIC: Pedestrians, vehicles and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using any street, alley or roadway for purposes of travel.
TRANSITIONS: The three foot (3') ramp sections along the street curb on each side of a driveway apron. (Ord. 04-01, 2-10-2004)