A.   Form: Every person desiring to conduct any business or other activity in the city for which a license is required must file with the city clerk-treasurer, on a form to be provided by the clerk-treasurer, an application for the city business license in writing.
   B.   Fee: Through this chapter, there is a fee waiver for any business, either new or established, with their fixed and principal location within the city. All franchises, including, but not limited to, Northwest Power Company, Qwest Communications, and Montana Rail Link, and any other utility franchise, shall pay a two hundred dollar ($200.00) annual franchise fee. Any fee waiver under this subsection does not relieve the business of their obligation to apply for a license.
   C.   Signature; Contents: The application is submitted to a public office, and/or public servant, with the representation of truthfulness. The application shall set forth:
      1.   The name of the applicant.
      2.   Place of permanent residence.
      3.   Local business address, if different than residence address.
      4.   Description of the activity to be licensed and its location.
      5.   Whether the applicant shall act as principal or agent.
      6.   If acting as agent, the name and place of business of the principal or employer.
   D.   Misrepresentation: No person shall wilfully misrepresent any material fact in any license application made by him. Violation of this section is unlawful and subjects the violator to the penalty section. (Ord. 03-02, 4-8-2003, eff. 5-9-2003)