The city shall regulate and control trees within the following areas:
   A.   Regulate the planting, pruning and removal of all trees on streets and other public places, to ensure safety, or preserve the aesthetics or both;
   B.   Promulgate specifications and standards of practice governing the planting, pruning and removal of trees on the street rights of way and public areas of the city;
   C.   Supervise and inspect all work done under any permit, license or certificate issued under the terms of this chapter or rules and regulations promulgated hereunder;
   D.   Establish reasonable conditions to the granting of permits in accord with the terms of this chapter;
   E.   During or following an emergency created by man or natural phenomena, the city may take all necessary steps and procedures to remove trees or tree parts or residue that might impede traffic movement or endanger persons or property without being responsible for continued maintenance or care. (Ord. 2014-01, 11-10-2014)