There is hereby established the Colorado Springs Underground Damage Prevention Safety Program within Utilities. The Chief Executive Officer will appoint a Program Manager. The Program Manager will:
   A.   Collaborate with the underground damage prevention safety commission existing within the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, the notification association and other state agencies to develop best practices and training to prevent damage to underground utilities.
   B.   Enforce rules and regulations regarding this Underground Damage Prevention Safety Program promulgated by the Chief Executive Officer pursuant to City Code section 12.1.110.
   C.   Establish best practices for excavators.
   D.   Review complaints alleging violations of this article.
   E.   Investigate or cause to be investigated allegations of violations of this article;
   F.   Serve as the utility enforcement officer for violations of this article and rules and regulations regarding this Underground Damage Prevention Safety Program promulgated by the Chief Executive Officer pursuant to City Code section 12.1.110, and order appropriate remedial action or penalties.
   G.   Adopt all forms necessary to operate and enforce this Underground Damage Prevention Safety Program. (Ord. 20-70 1 ; Ord. 24-09)



1. January 1, 2021 is the effective date of Ordinance 20-70.