The master plumber or applicant for the wastewater service connection permit shall notify the Chief Executive Officer when the service line is ready for inspection and connection to the collection line. The connection and testing required by Utilities shall be made under the supervision of the Chief Executive Officer. The City and Utilities shall not be subjected to any liability for any deficiency or defect which is not discovered by inspection nor shall the owner or developer of the premises be absolved from liability for the deficiency or defect and any resulting damage or from responsibility to correct the deficiency or defect. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
Collection lines to collect and intercept wastewater from and throughout areas or additions shall be extended by the owner and/or developer of premises to be served by the lines from the existing collection line to the farthest point or points upgrade of the premises. If the Chief Executive Officer determines that extension of collection lines to the farthest point or points upgrade is not necessary for efficient expansion of the wastewater treatment system, the Chief Executive Officer may waive the requirement of the extension. In any event, collection lines shall be extended by the owner and/or developer of premises to be served by the lines from the existing collection line to a point which permits the shortest possible service line between the collection line and the property line of the premises served thereby. Thereafter the collection lines shall be extended to adjoining premises in compliance with Utilities collection system standards and other applicable Utilities rules and regulations. Extensions shall not be made unless the applicant requesting the service shall provide for the cost of the extension to the point of service and the extension is approved by the Chief Executive Officer. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
No wastewater lines shall be laid or placed in any proposed addition or subdivision to the City until the proposed addition is platted and approved as provided in 7.4.3 of this Code, except the Chief Executive Officer may approve the installation of facilities after final approval of the final plat, but prior to the recording of the plat, upon the request of the owner subject to an agreement as prescribed by the Chief Executive Officer. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42; Ord. 23-17)
A separate and independent service line shall be provided for every building. However, where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot cannot be subdivided, and for which no line is available nor can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, court, yard or driveway, the service line of the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one service. Multi-family or commercial or industrial complexes having more than one building on a single platted lot may have the individual buildings connected to a single common service line, unless and until the lot is resubdivided or the buildings otherwise become separately owned in which case independent connections shall be made. Waiver of this requirement for a separate and independent service line, may be granted by the Chief Executive Officer upon resubdivision or creation of separate ownership of individual buildings on a single lot. The waiver shall be granted upon showing that the service lines owned in common will be maintained by an entity of the owners of the separate buildings. By regulation, the Chief Executive Officer may provide for additional requirements to assure proper maintenance and repair of the common service lines, and, if necessary, monitoring of effluent quality or quantity. The City and Utilities do not assume any obligation nor acquire any liability for damage to the connecting property or any portion thereof caused by or resulting from any connection to the wastewater system as aforementioned. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
The size, slope, alignment and materials of construction of a service line, and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, jointing, testing and backfilling the trench, shall all conform to the requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes and utilities collection system standards and other applicable rules and regulations of the City. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42)
Whenever possible, the service line shall be brought from the building at an elevation below the basement floor. In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the collection line, wastewater carried by the building drain shall be lifted by means approved by the Regional Building Official if the facility is located inside the structure or by Utilities if the facility is located outside the structure and discharged to the wastewater system. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42)
   A.   The owner of any premises connected to the wastewater treatment system shall be responsible for the maintenance of the service line and appurtenances thereto, from and including the connection to the collection line to the premises served. The owner shall keep the line in good condition and shall replace, at owner's expense, any portions thereof which, in the opinion of the Chief Executive Officer, have become so damaged or disintegrated as to be unfit for further use or permit excessive infiltration of ground water or exfiltration of wastewater. The owner must secure all required permits for construction purposes and shall be responsible for returning the public right-of-way and the street to City standards. Any drainage from the service line to City roads, storm drains, or natural drains, shall be reported to the Chief Executive Officer by the landowner.
   B.   In the event that more than one premises is connected to a single service line, the owners of the respective premises shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance and repair requirements imposed by this section.
   C.   Prior to repair or alteration of the service line, a permit must be obtained from Utilities. A permit fee shall be imposed to cover the costs of the inspection. This inspection shall assure that ordinances and rules applying to the wastewater system are met. The City or Utilities shall not be subjected to any liability for any deficiency in the repair or alteration of the premises, and shall be absolved from liability for the deficiency or defect and any resulting damage or from responsibility to correct the deficiency or defect. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
Old wastewater lines may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination by the Chief Executive Officer, to meet all requirements of this article and to be compatible with the proposed use. If found unacceptable for future use, the owner shall be required to excavate the line at the point of connection to the collection line and cap the connection as required by wastewater collection system standards. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
Approval of a building permit or a utility service plan (when a building permit is not required) for any premises to be served by a connection to the wastewater system of the City shall be obtained within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of payment of the charges set out in Utilities' tariffs. Construction of the premises or facility to be served by the connection must begin within one hundred eighty (180) days from building permit issuance or utility service plan approval and the construction shall be pursued to completion without suspension or abandonment, as provided in the City's Building Code or as provided in Utilities' tariffs or service standards and specifications. Failure to comply with the above requirements shall result in cancellation of Utilities' approval of the connection permit. The refund of or application of credit of the connection charges shall be as provided in Utilities' tariffs. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 05-135; Ord. 09-134)