Barricades, center lines, freight or passenger loading zones, lane-direction control signals, lane lines, lane streets or highways, loading zones, markings, official traffic-control devices, parking meters, pedestrian-control signals, railroad signs or signals, safety zones, stop lines, traffic-control signals, posted speed limits, play streets, acceleration lanes, alleys, business districts, controlled access streets or highways, crosswalks, deceleration lanes, divided highways, intersections, lanes, medians in central dividing strips, play streets, ramps, roadways, sidewalks or sidewalk areas, streets or highways, through streets or highways, bus stops, taxicab stands, authorized emergency vehicles which are effective and/or established as presently required at the time of the passage of this chapter into law shall be effective pursuant to the authority granted by the provisions of this chapter as if established and/or posted under this chapter until they may be changed under the provisions of this chapter. (1968 Code §6-29; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)