After full investigation and consideration of the vehicular traffic and in particular the possibility of traffic hazards, the promotion of proper movement of traffic, pedestrian travel safety and the public welfare and safety generally, the Traffic Engineer may direct or order that an existing driveway or entrance from a public street be closed, relocated or redesigned at the expense of the owner of the premises abutting the street where the driveway is located. The decision of the Traffic Engineer shall be reduced to writing and a copy transmitted by registered mail to the owner of the premises at which the driveway is requested or exists. Within fifteen (15) days after the notice has been mailed, the owner of the affected premises may appeal the decision of the Traffic Engineer to the Council which may affirm, modify or reverse the decision. (1968 Code §6-26-14; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)
A. All persons performing any work related activity, including, but not limited to, construction, maintenance, and installation or repair of utilities, in any street, highway, or public right of way, shall provide adequate work zone traffic control. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, the work zone traffic control shall not be deemed adequate unless it is in accord with a traffic control plan approved by the Traffic Engineer prior to commencement of the activity.
B. Prior approval by the Traffic Engineer of a traffic control plan shall not be required when the work related activity is commenced by reason of an emergency. The persons performing the emergency activity shall notify the Police Department and the Traffic Engineer as soon as practicable; and shall submit to the Traffic Engineer for approval a traffic control plan not later than the first regular business day following commencement of the activity. Should the traffic control plan not be approved by the Traffic Engineer, the provisions of subsection A of this section shall apply, unless the Traffic Engineer determines that a bona fide emergency still exists.
C. All traffic controls instituted under this section shall conform with the latest edition of the "Manual Of Uniform Traffic Control Devices". (Ord. 87-1; Ord. 01-42)
10.1.401: Bureau Established
10.1.402: General Duties
10.1.403: Procedures
1 | 1. A Municipal Court Referee is authorized to hear certain ordinance violations relating to parking or other ordinances designated by the Presiding Judge. See chapter 11, article 5 of this Code. |
A. The Clerk of the Municipal Court may establish a Traffic Violations Bureau to assist the Municipal Court with the clerical work of traffic cases. The Violations Bureau may be separate from or integrated with the overall operations of the Office of the Clerk of the Court.
B. The Clerk of the Municipal Court shall be in charge of the Traffic Violations Bureau and the Bureau shall be open as established by the Clerk. (1968 Code §6-27-1; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)
In addition to those duties enumerated in chapter 11 of this Code, the Clerk of the Municipal Court and the personnel of the Traffic Violations Bureau shall:
A. On behalf of the Municipal Court, provide summonses and complaints, penalty assessment notices and other forms necessary for the administration of this chapter. The summonses and complaints shall be serially numbered and issued to and receipted for by the Chief of Police for use by the Police Department.
B. Accept designated fines, issue receipts and maintain records of the guilty pleas and waivers of appearance of violators.
C. Fix the time of trial for persons who must, or wish to be heard in court, enter the time of their appearance on the court docket, and notify the City Attorney's Office of the trials.
D. Keep an easily accessible record of all violations of which each person has been guilty during the preceding thirty six (36) months, whether the guilt was established in court or by a plea of guilty in payment of a fine or a penalty assessment at the Traffic Violations Bureau, unless the records are kept by and available from the Police Department pursuant to section 10.1.302 of this article.
E. Cooperate with the State Department of Revenue in the development and use of a coding system for traffic citations.
F. Keep or cause to be kept a full record of every case in which a person is charged with any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
G. Forward to the State Department of Revenue a record of the conviction of any person in Municipal Court for a violation of any provision of this chapter after the conviction if the report is required by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. (1968 Code §6-27-2; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 01-42)