(A) Agency review. When the preliminary subdivision plat and accompanying materials are received by the Planning and Zoning Director, copies of the subdivision plat and accompanying materials will be transmitted, as may be required, to the following agencies as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Director: Town Engineer; County Environmental Health Services (if needed); Arizona Department of Transportation if it the subdivision contains or abuts a state or federal highway; utility providers; state or federal land management agency if adjacent to public lands; Fire Marshal or affected fire district, irrigation district, schools and other interested or affected agencies.
(B) Response time line. Reviewing agencies shall have 25 working days, from the date received from the Planning and Zoning Department, to complete their comments pertaining to the proposed subdivision. Agencies shall submit their comments to the Planning and Zoning Director. No reply by an agency within the time limit specified shall be deemed as having received no objections from that
agency to approval of the preliminary plat. When all replies have been received, or the specified date of reply reached, the Planning and Zoning Department staff shall prepare a report on the proposed subdivision, including comments from all town departments and other agencies, and forward a copy to the subdivider and the subdivider's land surveyor and civil engineer of record.
(C) Follow up. Following receipt of reviewing agency comments, the Planning and Zoning Department staff may coordinate a meeting between the subdivider and/or his or her agent; and the various responding agencies for the purpose of clarifying comments and outstanding issues arising from the subdivision plat review. The purpose of this coordination meeting is to promote compliance with the intent of these regulations and attempt to reach consensus on issues prior to presentation of the preliminary plat of subdivision to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(D) Public review. If the preliminary plat is in conformance with these regulations, it shall be placed on the agenda for review at the next scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The subdivider or his or her representatives shall be mailed a notification of the time and place set for consideration of the preliminary subdivision plat at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)