(A) Interpretation. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of these regulations shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare and shall be interpreted in light of what will promote public health, safety and general welfare.
(B) Saving provision. These regulations shall not be construed as abating any action now pending under, or by virtue of, prior existing subdivision regulations, or as discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or about to accrue or as affecting the liability of any person, firm, partnership, or corporation, or as waiving any right of the town under any section or provision existing at the time of adoption of these regulations, or as vacating or annulling any rights obtained by any person, firm, partnership, or corporation, by lawful action of the town, except as shall be expressly provided for in these regulations.
(C) Amendments. For the purpose of promoting the public health, safety and general welfare, the Town Council may from time to time amend the provisions imposed by these subdivision regulations in the manner prescribed by law.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed, before any contract is made for the sale of any part thereof, and before any permit for the erection of a structure in the proposed subdivision is granted, the subdividing owner (subdivider), or his or her authorized agent, shall apply for and secure approval of the proposed subdivision in accordance with the procedures outlined herein.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) General. All subdivision plans shall observe the requirements of the sketch plan review process. The purpose of the sketch plan is to provide a conceptual level of information that will help to establish a preliminary determination regarding the feasibility of the proposed development, compliance with the intent of the general plan, and the capacity of the land to support the development.
(B) Pre-submittal conference. Prior to the submittal of a sketch plan, the subdivider shall schedule a pre-submittal conference with the Director and/or Planning and Zoning Department staff to present the subdivision concept and give an overview of the development including the number and size range of lots, zoning, land use, public streets and utilities, any significant exceptions that will be requested, and other information the subdivider deems important for the town to know.
(C) Sketch plan submittal. Following the pre-submittal conference, and based on input received from Town staff, the subdivider shall submit a sketch plan of the proposed development to the Planning and Zoning Department. The sketch plan shall be circulated to and reviewed by the town staff and related reviewing agencies to highlight development opportunities or apparent constraints prior to accepting a preliminary subdivision plat submittal. Additional items may be required.
(D) Sketch plan contents. The following items shall be provided by the subdivider as part of the sketch plan submittal:
(1) Vicinity map;
(2) Name of development and title "sketch plan;"
(3) Location by Section, Township and Range (GandSRM);
(4) Legal description. Dimensions are to be shown by either a metes and bounds description or description by aliquot part or by reference to a tract or parcel shown on a previously recorded subdivision or record of survey plat. There must be a tie (by scale or legal description) to at least 2 aliquot government section corners (section, quarter-section and the like) or by reference to a tract or parcel shown on a previously recorded subdivisions or record of survey plat;
(5) Boundaries of proposed development clearly identified;
(6) North arrow;
(7) Scales (both graphic and equivalent inch to feet) using standard engineering intervals. The map scale shall not to exceed 1 inch = 100 feet;
(8) Date of preparation plus date of any amendments since original submittal;
(9) Contact information. Names, addresses, phone numbers and notation of relationship to development for landowners, subdivider/development agents, engineers, surveyors, land planners, landscape architects, architects, hydrologists or others responsible for platting and design (include respective Arizona registration numbers);
(10) Zoning. Existing and proposed zoning;
(11) Topography by contours (maximum 2-foot interval for areas with less than a 10% slope (a rise of 10 feet over a 100-foot run), and a maximum of 5-foot interval for areas with 10% or greater slopes, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Director) relating to North American Vertical Datum (NAVD 1988) survey datum and/or town benchmark (shown on the same map as proposed development). Include the description and elevation of the bench mark used. Features information must be sufficient in detail to allow for an acceptable review as determined by the Planning and Zoning Department. Topography shall be depicted a minimum of 100 feet beyond project boundary. The site plan shall identify all slopes of 20% or greater. A slope analysis diagram will be required for any subdivision with slopes exceeding 10% grade;
(12) Existing and proposed land uses by area as well as ownership, land uses and zoning for all tracts within 300 feet;
(13) Tentative lot and tract layout;
(14) Proposed circulation plan. The subdivider shall submit a proposed vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian and equestrian circulation plan. The circulation plan shall include:
(a) In narrative form, identify general traffic impacts to adjacent property and existing streets and non-motorized vehicle facilities, as well as specific high traffic generation points and uses on site;
(b) Show all existing and proposed streets (public or private) and their classification (arterial, collector, local street, other) within the project and within 1/2 mile of the project boundaries. Show all proposed connections to the public transportation system. The scale of the transportation system map shall not exceed 1 inch = 500 feet. The map shall also demonstrate legal primary and secondary access routes, as well as existing or proposed street right-of-way widths; and
(c) Existing or proposed sidewalks, bike lanes, multiuse pathways, and other pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian facilities and trail networks and open space features affected by or intended to be implemented as part of future subdivision design.
(15) Drainage concept plan. Illustrate and discuss in narrative form the proposed methods of handling storm drainage and floodplains that affect the property. Include retention basins required to handle the 100-year storm without flooding developed lots and properties, per Chapter 151 of this Code or any successor ordinance;
(16) Land use table. Identify in chart, table or note form on the sketch plan map the following:
(a) Total acreage, acreage for each use and each phase;
(b) Number of units/lots for each type of use by phase;
(c) Average area and range of areas per lot/unit proposed;
(d) Percent open space, exclusive of streets, building envelopes and parking areas;
(e) Water source (if new source, indicate potential well field and storage tank on sketch plan);
(f) Sewer service provider and type, if available, and if not available, describe how sanitary sewer waste disposal is to be handled;
(g) Proposed utility providers; and
(h) Identify unique site conditions including rock outcroppings, major drainage features and the like. These items may necessitate submittal of a slope analysis diagram and other additional information as required;
(i) Identify any unbuildable tracts and the proposed disposition of those tracts.
(17) Preliminary title report. Submit 2 copies of a preliminary title report or a policy of title insurance issued by a title insurance company within the preceding 30 working days to the owner of the land, covering the entire land within the sketch plan or subdivision area and showing all record owners, liens and encumbrances. The preliminary title report shall contain the status of legal access to the proposed subdivision and identify any parcels which do not have legal access.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) A complete submittal shall include a digital copy of the sketch plan, in a format determined by the Planning Zoning Director. If any reviewing agencies or departments request a printed copy the applicant shall provide a blueline or blackline copy scaled to fit on a 24-inch by 36- inch sheet. Within 20 working days from deposit of the complete sketch plan and accompanying material, the sketch plan shall be evaluated and discussed in a meeting that may include the subdivider, reviewing agency representatives, planning and zoning staff and representatives from other Town Departments.
(B) The Planning and Zoning Director shall route the sketch plan and supporting documents to all reviewing Town Departments and agencies.
(C) No response from Town Departments or reviewing agencies within the prescribed review period shall be construed as such department or agency not having an objection to the continued processing of the sketch plan.
(D) Upon receipt of reviewing agency comments, the Planning and Zoning Director or staff designee shall compile Town Department and agency comments and respond to the applicant or the subdivider agents as the proposed project relates to the following:
(1) Conformance to Town of Colorado City general or specific area plan(s);
(2) Suitability of the site for development, existing and proposed land use and zoning, and potential development opportunities and constraints;
(3) The improvements, design and dedications required by these regulations; and
(4) Zoning requirements.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014; Am. Ord. 2021-06, passed - -)
(A) The Planning and Zoning Director shall, in the response, determine whether or not the sketch plan meets the purposes and intents of these regulations and related town ordinances and shall, where the Director deems it necessary, make specific recommendations to be incorporated by the subdivider into a preliminary plat submittal.
(B) Approval of a sketch plan is approval of the proposal in concept only, and is not final subdivision plat or improvement plan and project approval. Further revisions to the plan may be required throughout the process of plat review. Approval is valid for a period of 12 months after sketch plan approval. If a preliminary plat has not been submitted within this approval period, a new pre-submittal conference shall be held to determine if an updated sketch plan needs to be submitted.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)