(A)   All police officers of the town shall have and exercise the power to make arrests and to cause complaints to be filed against any person violating the provisions of this chapter. In addition, the Town Clerk also shall have to the power to cause complaints to be filed against such persons.
   (B)   All town police officers, department heads and their authorized representatives of those departments whose approval is required for issuance of the license shall have the power to enter free of charge at any reasonable time any place of business for which a license is required by this chapter. That person shall have the right to inspect for compliance with the regulations regarding the particular license, and to demand the exhibition of the license for the current term from any person engaged or employed in the transaction of any such business. If any such person shall then and there fail to exhibit that license, that person shall be in violation of this code.
(1986 Code, § 8-1-6) Penalty, see § 110.99