(A)   All residential solid waste for collection by the town’s automated residential solid waste collection equipment shall be prepared for collection according to this section.
   (B)   Placement. Solid waste and recycling containers set out for collection must be placed in the street in front of the house to which they are assigned, with the wheels adjacent to the curb of the sidewalk, and the lid opening toward the street.
      (1)   Where there is no sidewalk, the container(s) must be placed at the edge of the street, within two feet of the pavement or improved road, as applicable.
      (2)   Containers may not be collected from private property or when placed within 15 feet of a vehicle, mailbox or other obstruction to safe collection as determined by the Director.
      (3)   Containers shall not be placed out for collection on a sidewalk or be allowed to remain after collection on a sidewalk. All container placement shall be subject to approval by the Director.
      (4)   To ensure all solid waste and recycling containers are ready for collection they may be placed at the curb after 6:00 p.m. on the day preceding collection. Containers for street collection shall be placed at the curb for service no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of collection.
      (5)   Containers must be removed prior to 11:00 p.m. of the day of collection. It shall be a violation of this chapter to place or permit containers to remain adjacent to the curb except upon regular collection days or scheduled day for container maintenance.
      (6)   All solid waste and recycling containers shall be stored, between collection days, on the premises so as not to interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, and to minimize the container’s visibility.
   (C)   Lids must be closed. The lids of containers set out or used for residential solid waste or recycling collection must be entirely closed.
   (D)   Solid waste and all putrescible material must be bagged and tied. All solid waste prepared for residential solid waste collection including grass clippings must be bagged and securely tied to exclude flies and other pests.
   (E)   Container contents.
      (1)   The contents of the solid waste and recycling containers must be arranged so that they fall out easily when serviced by authorized collection vehicles.
      (2)   The town shall not be required to remove any materials which remain in the container after the container has been serviced by the collection vehicle.
      (3)   Loose branches and brush are not required to be bagged, under the condition that the unbagged contents empty readily during normal collection conditions, and do not unduly dirty the container. Bagged material placed below unbagged material may allow all the contents to fall out and the container to empty completely.
   (F)   Household medical waste and infectious waste.
      (1)   All household medical waste and infectious waste, including lancets, syringes and hypodermic needles, must be properly prepared for disposal in the solid waste container.
      (2)   Household medical waste and infectious waste must be placed in plastic bags and securely tied before placing in the solid waste container, or it shall be considered an incipient hazard, or imminent health or safety hazard.
      (3)   Lancets, syringes and hypodermic needles must be placed in a rigid, leak-proof and puncture resistant container with a secured and taped lid and must be clearly labeled identifying the contents before placing in the solid waste container.
      (4)   Depositing or disposing of household medical waste and infectious waste or lancets, syringes and hypodermic needles in any recycling container is prohibited.
   (G)   Prescription drugs and medicines. All “discarded drugs,” as defined by Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Regulations, and prescription drugs and medicines shall be disposed of according to the guidelines in this chapter or as follows:
      (1)   Unless otherwise prohibited by this chapter, according to the specific disposal instructions on the drug label or patient information form.
      (2)   Through a pharmacy or other licensed agency that provides for the lawful disposal for such items.
      (3)   This disposal method shall only be used by individual citizens, and shall not be utilized by any doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, or other commercial ventures.
      (4)   Consistent with the procedures prescribed by a state, federal, county, town or other governmental law enforcement agency that administers a program for the disposal of such items.
      (5)   Prescription drugs and medication shall not be introduced into the town’s sanitary sewer system through sinks, drains, toilets, or other means. These materials shall not be introduced into any storm water system or seasonal creek, run-off system, or any town lakes or tributaries.
   (H)   Recyclable materials must not be bagged and must be placed in the recycling container in such a manner that they separate under the normal operating procedures of the applicable materials recovery facility.
   (I)   Only recyclable materials shall be collected by the town’s residential recycling collection program. No person or customer shall contaminate recyclables. Contamination of recyclables includes, but is not limited to, putrescible material such as food waste, grass, any brush clippings, filth, diapers, concrete, dirt or polystyrene.
(Ord. 2018-02, passed 1-17-2018)