Land splits. Provide for the division of land of 2.5 acres or less into 2 or 3 parcels through a process that is more expeditious than the subdivision process; maintains accurate records of maps created to divide existing parcels or lots; ensures adequate legal access to lots or parcels; and ensures that land splits do not constitute a subdivision. Certain basic improvements and design standards may be necessary and desirable in order to ensure proper development of an area experiencing an increase in density. These provisions are necessary to prevent circumventing the intent and spirit of these land division regulations and to ensure responsible development.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) Authority. By authority of the Colorado City Town Council adopted pursuant to powers and jurisdictions vested through A.R.S. §§ 9-240, 9-463 and 9-463.01 pertaining to subdivision of lands within incorporated areas, and other applicable laws, statutes, orders and regulations of the State of Arizona and the Town of Colorado City, the Colorado City Town Council does hereby grant the Planning and Zoning Director, hereafter referred to as "Director," the power and authority to administratively review and approve or disapprove of land splits within the town, as per the regulations contained herein.
(B) Definition. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
LAND SPLITS means the division of improved or unimproved land of 2.5 acres or less into 2 or 3 parcels for the purpose of sale or lease.
(C) Subdivision. The division of any property greater than 2.5 acres into 4 or more parcels, or into 2 or more parcels if a new street is involved, or into more than 2 parcels if the boundaries of the property have been fixed by a recorded plat, shall proceed through the subdivision process, as described above.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) All lots created through land splits shall comply with all requirements for the specific zoning district in which the land is located. This includes compliance with the standards in Town Code Chapter 156.
(B) No lot or parcel shall be divided so that any division of the lot or parcel results in the creation of a non-conforming structure or use.
(C) No lot or parcel shall be divided so that any division of the lot results in a lack of legal access to any lots or parcels created by or resulting from the division. Access to all individual lots and parcels shall be assured for current and future property owners and for emergency services.
(D) No lot or parcel shall be divided so that any division of the lot results in the creation of a lot or parcel that does not abut a dedicated public street improved to town improvement and design standards and connecting directly to the public street system.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014; Am. Ord. 2017-03, passed 11-13-2017)
(A) This section outlines the minimum information needed to enable the town to make informed and expeditious decisions regarding applications for land splits.
(1) Unless more restrictive requirements are indicated, all mapped data shall be drawn to an accurate scale of not greater than 1 inch equals 100 feet; and shall be submitted digitally with all required supplementary materials, in a format determined by the Planning and Zoning Director. If any reviewing agencies or departments request a printed copy the applicant shall provide a blueline or blackline copy scaled to fit on a 24-inch by 36-inch sheet.
(2) Unless exempted by the Director, the information contained in this section shall be provided by each applicant.
(B) Complete a land split application on the form prepared by the town.
(C) Submit copies of the Land Split Survey Map and related documents from signed and sealed by a land surveyor registered in the State of Arizona containing the following information:
(1) Title, which shall read "Land Split Map for (name of applicant)";
(2) Location by section, township and range;
(3) Legal description of land involved;
(4) Name, address and phone number of property owner of record;
(5) Scale, north point and dates of preparation and revisions;
(6) Name, address, registration number and seal of the registered land surveyor of record preparing the map with signature;
(7) Certificates shall appear on the plat as described in § 153.060;
(8) Boundaries of the tract to be divided fully balanced and closed showing basis of bearings and all bearings and distances determined by an accurate survey in the field. All dimensions shall be clearly identified;
(9) Location and dimensions of all lots within the land split plat map. All sides of the proposed lots shall be identified by bearing and distances;
(10) Indicate the size of each lot, tract or parcel with measurements shown in square feet and acres;
(11) Show existing streets (public and private); and lot, tract or parcel lines. Indicate lot number and subdivision name or recorded deed information for the tract of land for abutting parcels for identification purposes;
(12) Identify existing and proposed easements, including utility, drainage and other easements, by course, length and width;
(13) A statement of the flood zone designation according to FEMA/FIRM maps;
(14) All lots shall be identified by number or letter and shall include the street address;
(15) If questions pertaining to property boundaries develop, the Planning and Zoning Department may require location of existing physical and natural features to be shown, including, but not limited to, buildings, structures, driveways, bridges, culverts, walls, fences, drainage courses, slopes and similar features;
(16) The plat shall include provisions for signatures by the Planning and Zoning Director and the Town Engineer;
(17) Space for recorder's information;
(18) Identify any public utility extensions or upgrades, when required, to serve all proposed land split lots; and
(19) Provide other information as deemed necessary by the Director to enable the town to determine if the proposed land split conforms to applicable ordinances and regulations.
(D) Payment of a fee, as set by the Town Council, for review of the application and for revisions of official town maps to reflect the land split.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014; Am. Ord. 2021-06, passed - -)