(A)   The use or operation of a sport shooting range may not be enjoined as a nuisance if the range is in compliance with those statutes, regulations and ordinances that applied to the range and its operation at the time when the initial operation of the range commenced. The use or operation of a sport shooting range may not be enjoined as a nuisance due to any subsequent change in any statute, regulation, or ordinance pertaining to the normal operation and use of sport shooting ranges.
(SDCL § 21-10-28)
   (B)   The use or operation of a sport shooting range may not be enjoined as a nuisance by a person who acquires title to real property adversely affected by the normal operation and use of a sport shooting range which commenced operation prior to the time the person acquired title.
(SDCL § 21-10-29)
   (C)   The provisions of SDCL §§ 21-10-28 through 21-10-34 do not apply to any recovery for any act or omission relating to the operation or use of any sport shooting range based on negligent or willful or wanton misconduct.
(SDCL § 21-10-30)
   (D)   The provisions of SDCL §§ 21-10-28 through 21-10-34 do not apply if there has been a substantial change in the primary use of the sporting range.
(SDCL § 21-10-31)  Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Significant threat to human life or private habitations, see SDCL § 21-10-28.1