§ 151.286 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AQUIFER. A geologic formation, group of formations or part of a formation capable of storing and yielding groundwater to wells or springs.
   BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. Operational procedures for handling, storage and disposal of regulated substances and procedures which are designed to minimize the impact of certain activities or land uses on groundwater quality and quantity.
   BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (BZA). The Board of Zoning Appeals is the quasi-judicial body which determines whether variances may be issued for the use of property within the Town of Collierville corporate limits.
   CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE. A document issued by the Town Engineer for the Town of Collierville which certifies that the proposed development meets or exceeds the requirements of this subchapter.
   CONSTRUCTION. Includes building, erecting, moving or any physical operations on the premises which are required for construction. Excavation, fill, paving and the like shall be considered part of construction.
   CONTAMINATE. To have unwanted chemicals or bacteria mixed into a water system formerly void of such substances.
   EXCESSIVE EXTRACTION. A nonmunicipal withdrawal of groundwater from an aquifer that results in or may result in the lowering of the water level or piezometric surface to such an extent as to interfere with the normal operation of existing private, industrial or municipal water wells. Excessive extraction is also defined as withdrawal from an aquifer which will lead to desaturation of the aquifer or desaturation to a point where consolidation of the aquifer material occurs, preventing any further recharge of the aquifer from occurring.
   GROUND WATER. The water contained within the earth’s surface that has penetrated from precipitation and from infiltration by streams, ponds and lakes.
   GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION. Presence of any substance designated by the U.S. EPA or the State of Tennessee as a primary or secondary water quality parameter in excess of the maximum allowable contaminant level (MCL) or as regulated under the Primary Drinking Water Standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
   GROUND WATER INSTITUTE (GWI). A research organization within the Herff College of Engineering at the University of Memphis, established as a center of expertise in ground water science for the mid-south area.
   HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. A material which is defined in one or more of the following categories.
      (1)   Ignitable. A gas, liquid or solid which may cause fires through friction, absorption of moisture or which has low flash points. Examples: white phosphorous and gasoline.
      (2)   Carcinogenic. A gas, liquid or solid which is normally considered to be cancer causing or mutagenic. Examples: PCBs in some waste oils.
      (3)   Explosive. A reactive gas, liquid or solid which will vigorously and energetically react uncontrollably if exposed to heat, shock, pressure or combinations thereof. Examples: dynamite, organic peroxides and ammonium nitrate.
      (4)   Highly toxic. A gas, liquid or solid so dangerous to man as to afford an unusual hazard to life. Examples: parathion and chlorine gas.
      (5)   Moderately toxic. A gas, liquid or solid which, through repeated exposure or in a single large dose, can be hazardous to humans. Examples: atrazine.
      (6)   Corrosive. Any material, whether acid or alkaline, which will cause severe damage to human tissue, or in case of leakage might damage or destroy other containers of hazardous materials and cause the release of their contents. Examples: battery acid and phosphoric acid.
   LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT. The Town of Collierville is the local government unit responsible for protecting the ground water resources regulated by this subchapter.
   PERCOLATION RATE. The rate at which water flows or trickles through porous soils, as determined by a percolation test.
   POLLUTANT TRAVEL TIME. The time required by pollutants to travel from one point to another.
   POTABLE WATER. Water that is satisfactory for drinking, culinary and domestic purposes, meeting current state and federal drinking water standards.
   RESPONSIBLE AGENT OF THE TOWN. The Town of Collierville Town Engineer, as the responsible agent for the Town, reviews all development plans within the Wellhead Protection Area, makes any necessary interpretation of Wellhead Protection Area, Zone 1 and Zone 2 and reviews any other related matters that may arise in the administration of this subchapter.
   SHELBY COUNTY GROUND WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD (SCGWQCB). A regulatory Board consisting of appointed individuals which has jurisdiction within Shelby County to manage Wellhead Protection Guidelines, developed by TDEC, pertaining to the protection of the public water supplies which utilize a ground water source within the boundaries of Shelby County.
   STORM WATER DRAINAGE. A sewer or other system for conveying surface runoff due to storm events and unpolluted groundwater or surface water, including that collected by cellar drains, but excluding sanitary sewage and industrial waste.
   SURFACE RUNOFF. That part of the precipitation that passes over the surface of the soil to the nearest surface stream without first passing beneath the surface.
   TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION (TDEC). A state agency, authorized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to adopt and enforce Section 1428 of the amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act which mandates the protection of public water supplies that utilize a ground water source.
   TOWN OF COLLIERVILLE WELLHEAD PROTECTION OVERLAY MAP. A map generated by the Town of Collierville illustrating the location of Wellhead Protection Areas, Zone 1 and Zone 2. The map is available for inspection at the office of the Collierville Department of Development.
   TRAVEL TIME CONTOUR. Locus of points from which water takes an equal amount of time to reach a given destination such as a well or wellfield.
   WASTEWATER. Any combination of water carried wastes from institutional, commercial and industrial establishments and residences, together with any storm, surface water or groundwater as may be present.
   WATER TABLE. The upper surface of a zone of saturation except where that surface is formed by an impermeable barrier.
   WELL, ABANDONED. An abandoned or unused well may be defined under one or more of the following:
      (1)   A well which has been out of service continuously for one year or more and does not meet the definition of an inactive well;
      (2)   A monitoring well from which no measurement or sample has been taken for a period of three years;
      (3)   A well which is in such a state of disrepair that it cannot be made operational;
      (4)   A test hole or exploratory boring 24 hours after construction and testing work has been completed;
      (5)   A cathodic protection well that is no longer functional for its original purpose;
      (6)   Any boring that cannot be satisfactory completed as a well.
   WELL, ACTIVE. A well that has been utilized at least once in the preceding 12 months for the extraction of groundwater.
   WELL, INACTIVE. An inactive well or standby well means a well that has not been used for a period of one year or more for the production of groundwater, but is maintained in such a condition that it could be so used, a monitoring well maintained for such use or a cathodic protection well maintained for such use.
   WELLFIELD. A tract of land, either continuous or disjointed, which contains a number of existing or proposed wells for supplying water as specified in the wellfield protection maps.
   WELLFIELD AREA OF CONTRIBUTION. Area of the aquifer where groundwater flow is diverted to a pumping well due to a lowering of the water table.
   WELLFIELD RECHARGE AREA. The area from which groundwater flows directly to the wellfield area of contribution.
   WELLHEAD. The specific location of the source area for water which is withdrawn from a well or spring.
   WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA (WPA). The surface and subsurface area surrounding a water well or wellfield, supplying a public water system, through which contaminants are reasonably likely to move toward and reach such well or wellfield. The areas of Collierville, designated as Wellhead Protection Area, Zone 1 and Zone 2.
   WELLHEAD PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT. An overlay district on the existing zoning districts which represents the area covered by Wellhead Protection Areas, Zone 1 and Zone 2.
   ZONE OF CONTRIBUTION. The area from which groundwater flows to a pumping well.
(`00 Code, § 11-1702)