(A)   A franchise granted by the Town pursuant to this chapter shall grant to a company the nonexclusive right and privilege to erect, construct, operate and maintain in, upon and along, across, above, over and under the streets now in existence and as may be created or established during the term hereof, any poles, wires, cable, underground conduits, manholes and other television conductors and fixtures necessary for the maintenance and operation of a system for the interception, sale, transmission and distribution of cable service and other audio-visual and data signals and the right to transmit the same to the inhabitants of the Town on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.
   (B)    It is understood that there may be from time to time within the Town various streets which the Town does not have the unqualified right to authorize a company to use because of reservations in favor of the dedicators or because of other legal impediments; therefore, in making this grant, the Town does not warrant or represent as to any particular street or portion of a street that it has the right to authorize a company to install or maintain portions of its system therein, and in each case the burden and responsibility for making such determination in advance of the installation shall be upon a company.
   (C)   The right to use the streets, easements and rights-of-way herein granted is subject to the terms of all rights or franchises heretofore granted by the Town and to the terms of all rights or franchises hereafter granted by the Town to companies with a franchise granted pursuant hereto and/or other companies primarily engaged in the rendering of public utilities service.
   (D)   Nothing in this section shall vest in a company any property rights in the Town-owned property, nor shall the Town be compelled to maintain any of its property any longer than or in any fashion other than in the Town’s judgment its own business or needs may require.
(`83 Code, § 13-503)