For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BOARD. The municipal legislative body of the Town of Collierville, Tennessee.
BUILDING PERMIT. A permit for development issued by the Town of Collierville for construction of a building within the municipal limits.
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. A license for occupancy of a building or structure issued in the Town of Collierville.
DEVELOPMENT. The construction, building, reconstruction, erection, extension, betterment or improvement of land providing a new building or structure or an addition to any building or structure, or any part thereof, which provides, adds to or increases the floor area of a commercial, office or industrial building of a nonresidential use; the term does not include improvements to property which do not create new or additional floor area as herein defined.
FLOOR AREA. The total of the gross horizontal area of all floors, including usable basements and cellars, below the roof and within the outer surface of the main walls of principal or accessory buildings or the centerline of party walls separating such buildings or portions thereof, or within lines drawn parallel to and two feet within the roofline of any building or portions thereof without walls, but excluding arcades, porticos and similar open areas which are accessible to the general public, and which are not designed or used as sales, display, storage, service, production or office area.
INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND OFFICE BUILDING. Any structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, chattels or movable property of any kind for industrial or commercial purposes or to provide office space; the term includes a mobile home.
NONRESIDENTIAL. The development of any property for any use other than residential use, except as may be exempted by this Act.
PERSON. Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, syndicate or other group or combination acting as a unit, in the plural as well as the singular number.
PLACE OF WORSHIP. That portion of a building owned by a religious institution which has a tax exempt status, which is used for worship services and related functions; provided, however, that a place of worship does not include buildings or portions of buildings which are used for purposes other than for worship and related functions or which are or are intended to be leased, rented or used by persons who do not have tax exempt status.
PUBLIC BUILDINGS. A building owned by the State of Tennessee or any agency thereof, a political subdivision of the State of Tennessee, including but not necessarily limited to counties, cities, school districts and special districts or the federal government or any agency thereof.
RESIDENTIAL. The development of any property for a dwelling unit or units.
(`83 Code, § 6-804)