(a)   Upon information that noxious weeds or grasses are growing on lands within the Village, in excess of a height of six inches or are about to spread or mature seeds, a Village police officer may cause a written notice to be served upon the owner, lessee, agent, or tenant having charge of such land, notifying him or her that such noxious weeds or grasses are growing on such lands and that they must be cut and destroyed within five days after the service of said notice. Ornamental grasses are hereby excluded from the provisions of this section.
   (b)   If such owner or other person having charge of such lands is a nonresident of the Village, whose address is known, such notice shall be sent to his or her address by registered mail. If the address of such owner is unknown, it shall be sufficient to publish such notice once in a newspaper of general circulation within Mercer County, Ohio.
   (c)   Whoever fails to comply with said notice in violation of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor unless he or she has within the past two years been previously convicted of an offense under this section, then he or she is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues after the expiration of the five-day period. In addition, the offender shall be required to pay the cost of having the noxious weeds and/or grasses cut and/or destroyed by the Village, in the event the offender fails to comply with such notice. The cost shall be the actual cost of the services performed by the Village.
(Ord. 1489. Passed 8-11-03.)