Members of all Boards and Commissions of the Village, whether established by this Charter or by ordinance, shall be comprised of residents of the Village at the time of their appointment and during their respective terms of office. Members of all municipal Boards and Commissions shall serve without compensation; however, the Council may provide for the payment of mileage and for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by such members in the performance of their duties.
A majority of all the members of each of the municipal Boards and Commissions shall constitute a quorum for meetings of such Boards and Commissions with exception of the Charter Review Commission, a majority vote of all the members of each Board and Commission shall be necessary for the taking of any action or the passage of any measures by such Boards and Commissions.
All meetings of each Board and Commission shall comply with all rules for notification of meetings to the public. All meetings of any Board or Commission, at which a majority of its members are present, shall be open to the public.
At the first meeting in each calendar year of Municipal Boards and Commissions, each Board or Commission shall elect a Chairperson and a Secretary by a majority vote of all the members appointed thereto. The Chairperson shall be a member of the respective body; but the Secretary need not be a member of the Board or Commission and may hold other office or employment with the Village. The Chairperson shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the Board or Commission; and the Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of such Board or Commission.