The Mayor shall appoint a Charter Review Commission on or before the 15th day of January in the year immediately following his/her election or re-election. The Commission shall consist of five (5) members; all qualified electors.
The Commission shall appoint a Chairperson who shall preside at its meetings. The Commission shall keep complete minutes of its meetings. Actions shall be accomplished by a motion, a second and a vote of each member by "yes" or "no" or "abstain" votes and motions shall be recorded in the minutes.
A quorum shall consist of four (4) members.
The Village Council shall supply the following to the Commission:
A.   A public meeting room sufficient to carry out its assigned work.
B.   The services of a stenographer.
C.   Funds adequate to meet their needs.
The Commission shall review the Charter of the Village and may submit a report/recommendations to Council not later than Council's last meeting in July of each year.
Council shall submit any recommended changes to the electors of the Village in the manner provided by the Ohio Constitution at the next general election.
The members of the Charter Review Commission shall serve four year terms. The Charter Review Commission shall meet as its members deem necessary, not less frequently than once each year.