A Planning Commission shall consist of five (5) Village of Coldwater residents. The composition of the board shall be as follows:
A.   Mayor.
B.   One (1) member of Council selected annually by the Council, who is not a member of the Board of Appeals.
C.   Three (3) citizens of the Village, whom are not to be members of the Board of Appeals and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Council. Citizens shall serve a six (6) year term. Terms of the members of the Board shall be staggered.
The Planning Commission shall be a continuing body. The Planning Commission shall have the powers conferred on it by the Ohio Revised Code, this Charter, and by ordinances of Council. The Planning Commission shall be responsible for maintaining a Master Plan and the planning and advising of municipal development and redevelopment, and other duties assigned by Council. The Planning Commission shall adopt its own rules of procedure, to be made available to the public. The Chairperson is selected by the Commission membership.
(Amended 11-4-2003)