The operating rules of the Police Department shall be established by the Police Chief with the advice of the Manager and the consent of Council. The Police Department shall be under the direction of a Chief of Police, who shall be the Department head and shall report to the Manager for administrative purposes. The duties of the Chief shall include the appointing of, suspending, removing, or otherwise disciplining all employees within the Police Department. Disciplinary action shall be taken by the Police Chief with the right of appeal to the Manager, Council and an Employee Relations Review Board. The appointment, promotion, removal or suspension of the Police Chief shall be made by the Manager, with input of the Mayor and with the approval of Council. The appointment, promotion, removal, or suspension of members of the Police Department shall be made by the Police Chief, in accordance with rules provided for by Council and this Charter, or upon achievement of City status, in accordance with the provisions of Article IX hereof and rules promulgated thereunder.
The Police Chief shall, within five (5) days of such action, certify in writing the suspension or removal of any member of the Police Department to the Manager. Such certification shall include the reason for said action. The minimum qualifications for the Police Chief shall be established by Council prior to appointment by the Manager.