The intent of this section is not to prohibit or stifle open communications between elected officials and employees but to establish ground rules for such interaction. In order to promote and protect an established chain of command, elected officials shall neither order employees to not follow instructions given by supervisors nor order employees to perform specific functions otherwise directed by their supervisors. Such actions are considered to be interference with the daily administrative functions of the Village. This section shall not apply to employees who report directly to the Council or the Mayor. These positions shall include, but not be limited to, the Clerk of Council, Clerk of Courts and Law Director. In addition, this section shall not apply to minor requests made of Village employees.
In the event that such interference does occur, the Manager shall first notify the individual that his or her actions are interfering with daily operations and request that such actions cease. If such interference persists, the Manager shall inform either the President of Council or the Mayor that interference by a Council member or the Mayor is occurring. Upon such notification, the President of Council or Mayor shall inform the individual that interference with daily administrative services of the Village is expressly prohibited by this Charter and that such activity is prohibited and actionable under Section 8.03 herein. If the individual still continues to interfere, Council shall convene a public hearing as under Section 8.03 and may remove the interfering party from office.