All employees shall enjoy the following seniority rights: When due to a lack of work it becomes necessary to lay off employees, the employee with the least seniority standing in the occupational group shall be the first to be laid off; and when employees are recalled, the first to be recalled shall be those last laid off; provided that such employee recalled has previously performed or is capable of doing the work then available. Seniority shall be by job title and department starting from the first date of employment in such position or department except that should an employee have left the service due to discharge for cause, resignation, or being on layoff and refusing to return to work within five days after being notified to do so, and being later reemployed, such employee's seniority standing shall date from the date of such reemployment.
(Ord. 1402. Passed 12-27-99; Ord. 1592. Passed 12-29-11. Ord. 1603. Passed 12-27-12.)