(a)   (1)   If a dangerous and/or unfit structure can reasonably be repaired so that it will no longer be in violation of the provisions of this chapter (hereinafter known as this "Building Code"), it shall be ordered repaired, subject to the provisions of subsection (b) hereof.
      (2)   Whenever the Building Inspector determines that the cost of such repairs would exceed 100 percent of the current value of such structure as determined by the real property taxation valuation records maintained by the County Auditor, such repairs shall be presumed unreasonable and it shall be presumed for the purposes of this chapter that such structure is a public nuisance and shall be ordered demolished.
   (b)   If the Building Inspector determines that a dangerous and/or unfit structure cannot be reasonably repaired, or that the structure has been unoccupied, closed, or boarded-up for a period of at least two years, an order shall be issued to demolish the structure.
   (c)   All doors, windows and other openings shall be covered with a minimum of one-half inch thick painted structural sheeting material, closely butted at the edges and maintained. Such coverings may be installed to fit over the exterior casing. However, there shall not be edges or cracks that will serve as handholds for tearing off of the same. All coverings shall be anchored by nails or screws and shall not be capable of being removed without tools. Any porch floor, railing, post or roof, or any other attachment to the structure, in danger of falling or causing injury by being decayed or having holes that could cause tripping or falling, shall be repaired and maintained. All loose debris and discarded boards and lumber shall be kept clear of the premises.
(Ord. 1600. Passed 8-13-12.)