(a) In the event of a real or threatened emergency situation, the Mayor of the Village is hereby authorized to issue an emergency proclamation setting forth the date, time, situation, assessment, and duration of the hazard. In the event of the absence of the Mayor, the President of Council shall assume these duties and responsibilities.
(b) As soon as possible after the issuance of an emergency proclamation by the Mayor, the Council of the Village shall be convened to approve or reject the proclamation of the Mayor.
(c) The initial emergency proclamation by the Mayor and subsequent approval by Council shall invoke and declare the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code applicable to emergency situations to be in full force and effect within the Village for the exercise of all necessary emergency authority for the protection of lives and property of the people of the Village and the restoration of local government with a minimum of interruption.
(d) Said proclamation shall require all public offices and employees of the Village to direct their utmost diligence to the discharge of the duties required of them for the duration of the emergency. Further, all citizens shall be called upon to comply with the required emergency measures and cooperate with public officials and emergency management forces for the duration of the emergency situation.
(e) In the event of a declared emergency, the Village Manager is permitted to expended unbudgeted funds on behalf of the Village, as may be required to permit the Village to mitigate emergency conditions. Such actions shall be reviewed by the Village Council.
(Ord. 1433. Passed 11-13-00.)