(a)   No householder or commercial operator shall permit garbage or other refuse to accumulate on his premises, except in approved containers.
   (b)   Each householder shall place garbage and other refuse in approved and properly identified plastic bags. These bags shall be of twenty-gallon capacity and marked "Village of Coldwater, Ohio." The bags shall be provided by the contractor through distribution points other than the Village Hall, with no limit of bags per subscriber. The price schedule for such bags shall be fixed by ordinance and also stipulated in the agreement with the contractor, as approved by Council. Residential customers shall drain and wrap all garbage before placement in bags.
   (c)   All commercial operators shall place garbage and other refuse in plastic bags, as described in subsection (b) hereof, or other substantial containers not subject to disintegration by moisture. Such containers shall be of adequate capacity and provided in sufficient number to satisfactorily hold all garbage and other refuse that accumulates between collections.
   (d)   Boxes, tree cuttings and similar odd articles, so far as is practical, shall be crushed and bundled in lengths not to exceed three feet and not more than fifty pounds in weight.
   (e)   No householder or commercial operator shall dispose of garbage in any other manner than the foregoing, except by the use of a garbage disposal unit which grinds and discharges garbage directly into the sanitary sewer. No other refuse may be burned in the container in which the refuse is placed for removal.
   (f)   Where premises abut an alley, the bags shall be placed at the alley line. Where there is no alley, the bags shall be placed at the street line. When a householder requests service from other locations, such services may be had at an additional fee.
(Ord. 790. Passed 1-10-72.)