(a)   The Mayor of the Village or, in the Mayor's absence, the Village Administrator, is hereby authorized to declare and vacate a water emergency for the Village in the event of a sever drought, equipment failure or other water supply shortage.
   (b)   In the event that a water shortage emergency is declared, said emergency shall expire at the time of the next regular meeting of Council, unless approved and renewed by Council at that meeting.
   (c)   In the event of a declared water emergency, any or all of the following restrictions may be imposed on the use of Village-supplied water:
      (1)   A total ban on the use of all Village-supplied water for all outside watering, including, but not limited to, lawns, gardens and car washing, and use by any businesses or industries of Village-supplied water for outside purposes;
      (2)   A partial ban limiting the use of Village-supplied water for outside watering to certain activities, depending upon the severity of the drought condition or other problems affecting the water supply of the Village;
      (3)   A total ban on all usage of Village-supplied water, indoors and outdoors, except as required for cooking, drinking and hygienic purposes; or
      (4)   Such other partial or total ban as the Mayor or Village Administrator, in his or her sole discretion, may deem necessary and prudent.
   (d)   In the event that a water use emergency is declared, such declaration and water use restrictions shall be reduced to writing, and notice thereof shall be posted at the Village Hall and other public locations and also given to the local media, including radio stations and newspapers.
   (e)   In the event of a declared water emergency, any persons, businesses, industries or other entities in violation of any restriction imposed by the Mayor or Village Administrator shall be first given a written warning regarding the violation. In the event the violator does not cease use of Village-supplied water in violation of said restrictions, the violator shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 1040.99. Any person, firm, corporation or other entity found in violation of a properly imposed restriction may also have his, her or its supply of Village-supplied water shut off, and said violator shall pay the required fee for the return of access to Village supplied water.
(Ord. 1147. Passed 9-26-88.)