(a)   Charges for water and water service by the Village shall be paid quarterly in January, April, July and October at the Utility Office of the Village. Said charges shall be in accordance with the following schedule of rates, effective with the October, 2014 bill:
 In Village
 Outside Village
First 6,000 gallons at
$7.00 per 1000 gallons
$10.50 per 1000 gallons
Next 94,000 gallons at
7.00 per 1000 gallons
10.50 per 1000 gallons
Excess over 100,000 gallons at
6.00 per 1000 gallons
9.00 per 1000 gallons
   All funds collected for water service shall be deposited into a separate and distinct fund known as the Water Fund, and said monies shall be used for the payment of the costs and incurred expenses of the administration, operation, and repair of the waterworks system and for no other purpose.
   The minimum water charge per quarter for 6,000 gallons or less shall be forty-two dollars ($42.00) in the Village or sixty-three dollars ($63.00) outside the Village per dwelling unit.
   (b)   In the event that any condominium or apartment is serviced by one water meter, the quarterly minimum service charge shall be determined by multiplying the number of units by the applicable minimum rate. It is the duty and responsibility of the landlord or owner of such multiple unit premises to notify the utility office of the number of units vacant during any quarter. By way of example, an apartment house or condominium containing ten units, each such unit shall be subject to an individual service charge; the minimum charge for the premises would be ten times the minimum charge of eighty-four dollars ($84.00) or eight hundred forty dollars ($840.00) per quarter.
   (c)   A minimum charge of forty-two dollars ($42.00) will be made if service had been on for less than one-half of any one-quarter when service is discontinued. If consumption is over 3,000 gallons, then regular rates will prevail as set forth herein.
   (d)   A ten percent penalty shall be added to all bills not paid by the fifteenth day of the month in which said payment is due. All unpaid accounts shall be charged interest at the rate of 1.5 percent per month beginning thirty days after the due date of said bill along with an appropriate delivery charge. Any returned check shall be charged all banking fees and fines plus twenty dollars ($20.00) for administration cost.
   (e)   An additional reconnection charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be made if water service is discontinued because of non-payment of a bill. When reconnection is requested outside of regular business hours, the reconnection charge shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). The defaulting customer shall be given ten days notice of the intention to discontinue service prior to any water disconnection. Said notice shall be given by first class mail or other reasonable means and shall be delivered no sooner than fifteen days after the due date of the water bill. Service shall be discontinued no later than thirty days after the due date of said bill. All costs and expenses incurred by the Village, in notifying the defaulting consumer shall be charged to and collected from the defaulting consumer.
   (f)   If service is requested by consumer to be discontinued, the Village, must be notified by the consumer so the service can be shut off and the meter removed. The consumer must be at the property when service is discontinued. The service charge shall continue until the water is off.
(Ord. 1367. Passed 10-26-98; Ord. 1416. Passed 5-22-00; Ord. 1452. Passed 12-27-01; Ord. 1495. Passed 12-29-04; Ord. 1514. Passed 1-17-05; Ord. 1537. Passed 10-23-06; Ord. 1619. Passed 5-12-14.)
   (g)   A storm utility surcharge shall be placed on all water and sewer bills as follows:
      $2.00 per month per residential water user;
      $3.00 per month per commercial or industrial water user.
(Ord. 1342. Passed 8-11-97; Ord. 1495. Passed 12-29-04; Ord. 1514. Passed 1-17-05; Ord. 1537. Passed 10-23-06; Ord. 1587. Passed 7-11-11; Ord. 1684. Passed 3-25-19.)