(A)   It shall be the duty of each standing committee and the members thereof, to carefully examine the ordinances of the city appertaining to the subject with which said committee is especially charged and to endeavor to ascertain from time to time whether the ordinances appertaining to the said subject are being properly regarded and enforced, and whether in their opinion these ordinances are sufficient and satisfactory; reporting from time to time to time to council such violations as they may ascertain, such changes in ordinances on aforesaid subjects as they may deem proper or any matter connected therewith, which may seem to them to be in the best interest of the city.
   (B)   When any matter is referred to any standing committee at any regular or special meeting of council, the committee shall meet and take action on such matters before the next regular meeting, reporting thereon at said meeting and to every subsequent meeting until the matter is finally disposed of. Should any standing committee fail to handle promptly any duties, ordinances, etc that are referred to them for action, the mayor or any council member may request that they show just cause for the delay in their action and that they also be required to make satisfactory reports to the city council at the next regular meeting of council after which notice is given to the committee. Should the committee fail to make a satisfactory report to the council at such time, then council shall make such changes to as necessary to obtain prompt action.
(Ord. 03-820, passed 10-27-03)