Supporting data is needed to support each credit applied for. The type of supporting data varies depending on the type of credit requested as shown below. The following is a list of potential supporting data that will be required with the credit application submittal. Please provide all pertinent information with the application. This will expedite the city's review process of the credit application. The applicant is encouraged to provide additional information that will be appropriate for their property and assist in evaluating their property's credits.
   (A)   Site plans and surveys.
      (1)   Adjoining lakes, streams, or other major drainage ways.
      (2)   Existing and proposed contours.
      (3)   Impervious delineation and labels (buildings, driveways, and the like).
      (4)   Topographic drainage area map, including off-site areas draining through the site.
      (5)   Size and location of all stormwater structures.
      (6)   Construction drawings, if not previously approved.
      (7)   Plat maps.
      (8)   Private engineer or surveyor stamp.
      (9)   City Auditor maps.
      (10)   Other permits.
   (B)   Calculations.
      (1)   Hydrologic calculations for undeveloped and developed land uses.
      (2)   Hydraulic calculations stage-discharge relationships of controls.
      (3)   Floodplain encroachment calculations.
      (4)   Peak discharge and drainage volume calculations.
   (C)   Maintenance management plan and schedule.
      (1)   Maintenance management plan.
      (2)   Maintenance schedule of all operations that affect the efficiency of the structural control including mowing, sediment removal, cleaning, planting, monitoring, watering, and channel restoration.
      (3)   Maintenance agreement.
   (D)   Easement and deed restriction for inspection access and long term maintenance of BMP.
      (1)   Easement.
      (2)   Deed restriction.
      (3)   Other (please describe).
   (E)   Other data. Other (please describe).
(Ord. 14-1003, passed 5-12-14)