The City Council hereby adopts the amendments and re-adopts the 2005 Cold Spring Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Cold Spring Planning Commission, with the changes set forth hereto as Exhibits A and B which are incorporated by reference herein, on the following bases:
(A) KRS Chapter 100 requires the Planning Commission of each planning unit to prepare a comprehensive plan. KRS Chapter 100 requires that at least once every five years, the Commission amend or readopt the plan elements. The 2000 Cold Spring Comprehensive Plan was last adopted by the Cold Spring Planning Commission in September 2005.
(B) KRS 100.187 states that the Comprehensive Plan shall contain as a minimum the following elements: (1) a statement of goals and objectives to act as a guide for the preparation of the remaining elements of the Plan; (2) a land use plan element; (3) a transportation plan element; and (4) a community facilities element.
(C) KRS 100.197(1) states that the Comprehensive Plan elements, and their research basis, shall be reviewed from time to time in light of social, economic, technical, and physical advancements or changes. At least once every five years, the Commission shall amend or readopt the plan elements. It shall not be necessary to conduct a comprehensive review of the research done at the time of the original adoption pursuant to KRS 100.197, when the Commission finds that the original research is still valid. The amendment or re-adoption shall occur only after a public hearing before the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 93-642, passed 12-21-93; Am. Ord. 00- 741, passed 3-15-00; Am. Ord. 05-856, passed 3- 28-05; Am. Ord. 10-972, passed 11-22-10; Am. Ord. 18-1046, passed 9-18-18)