Users of the Coeur d’Alene public wastewater collection and treatment works are assessed charges that become effective as outlined below:
Customer Class and Rate | Billing Fee Code | FY 2023 | FY 2024 | FY 2025 | FY 2026 | FY 2027 |
Customer Class and Rate | Billing Fee Code | FY 2023 | FY 2024 | FY 2025 | FY 2026 | FY 2027 |
Monthly Service Charge | All Customers | $15.74 | $16.53 | $17.35 | $18.22 | $19.13 |
Residential Rates Monthly Usage Charge (per dwelling unit) | ||||||
Residential | SERS | $33.18 | $34.83 | $36.58 | $38.40 | $40.32 |
Residential(vacation) | SERV | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Residential-Low | SERSL | 17.72 | 18.61 | 19.54 | 20.52 | 21.54 |
Fernan-Residential | SERF | 27.09 | 30.16 | 33.39 | 36.77 | 40.32 |
Duplex-One Meter (x2) | SERMF | 33.18 | 34.83 | 36.58 | 38.40 | 40.32 |
Residential + ADU - One Meter (x2) | SERADU | 33.18 | 34.83 | 36.58 | 38.40 | 40.32 |
Commercial Rates Monthly Usage Charge (per 1,000 gallons) | ||||||
Commercial-Low* | CWCL | $5.89 | $6.19 | $6.49 | $6.82 | $7.16 |
Commercial-Medium | CWCM | 6.76 | 7.10 | 7.46 | 7.83 | 8.22 |
Commercial-High | CWCH | 7.60 | 7.98 | 8.38 | 8.80 | 9.24 |
Fernan-Commercial | SENRO6 | 5.28 | 5.71 | 6.17 | 6.66 | 7.16 |
Fernan-Commercial | SENRF | 5.28 | 5.71 | 6.17 | 6.66 | 7.16 |
*Includes multifamily residential customers greater than 2 units.
A. Rate Calculations: Rate calculations for customer classifications are described below. Customer classifications are described in the most recent and adopted City of Coeur d’Alene wastewater cost of service rate study report appendix C.
1. Residential Customer Class: Residential customers include single-family residences and duplexes. The monthly bill to the residential accounts will comprise of two (2) parts: a) a monthly service charge per account, and b) a usage charge per dwelling unit. Using water use records from the non-irrigation month period, wastewater usage will be averaged for the class each year to determine if the usage charge needs to be adjusted. Duplexes with two (2) meters will be assessed two (2) separate usage rates. Duplexes with one meter will also be assessed two (2) usage rates.
2. Residential-Low Customer Class: Single-family or duplex customers are eligible for this classification when they are full-time year-round residents that use less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) gallons of water per month based on the non-irrigation months and based on at least one year of water use records. The monthly bill to the residential-low accounts will comprise of two (2) parts: a) a monthly service charge per account, and b) a usage charge per dwelling unit. Using water use records from the non-irrigation month period, wastewater usage will be averaged for the class each year to determine if the usage charge needs to be adjusted.
3. Residential-Vacation Rate: Single-family or duplex customers are eligible for this rate when they do not occupy their homes for an extended time period, and have the water turned off. When both requirements are met, the customer will be charged the wastewater monthly service charge per account.
4. Commercial Customer Classes: Commercial classifications include multi-family properties with three (3) or more dwelling units, mobile home parks, government, commercial, and industrial businesses. The monthly bill to the commercial accounts will comprise of two (2) parts: a monthly service charge per account and a usage charge per thousand gallons of flow. The usage charge differs for each of the commercial customer classifications relative to the different strengths of wastewater estimated or determined for the customer. Using water use billing records, usage for commercial accounts will be the actual metered water use each month. The monthly usage for each account will be multiplied by the respective usage charge for the appropriate class to determine the usage rate component of each commercial customer’s bill.
B. Combined Use Rates: Users which fall into more than one customer class are charged by assigning them to the higher use commercial classification.
C. Customers Not On City Water System: Nonresidential customers who do not receive all of their water from the City water system must meter, at their expense, all water which is supplied by another system.
D. Special Case Procedures: Uses not categorized above or not clearly defined as being within one or more of the above classifications shall be charged a rate to be determined by the following formula:
Example for calculating the monthly bill during FY 2023 - 2024:
($15.74) + ($3.93 * monthly billed water use (kgal)) + ($0.0493 * calculated lbs of BOD) + ($0.5254 * calculated lbs of SS) + ($27.0940 * calculated lbs of P) + ($3.12 * calculated lbs of NH3N). The City reserves the right to determine the final measured flow and strength levels.
E. Installation Of Private Meter: Should any user consider himself to be aggrieved by the foregoing schedules or by the determination of the Wastewater Superintendent, such user may install a meter or devices which measure the strength and continuous flow of user’s sewage, in which event a charge shall be fixed based on the indicated results for not less than one (1) year. Such meter or devices shall be installed at the expense of the user, and shall be calibrated or installed to the satisfaction of the Wastewater Superintendent or designee.
F. User Charges For Commercial Accounts Based On Non-irrigation Month Water Use: Commercial accounts existing before March 1, 2003, that have been charged the usage component of the monthly bill based on non-irrigation month water use records will continue to be billed in this manner as long as the City Treasurer or designee is satisfied that non-irrigation month water usage is representative and accurately represents the wastewater discharge each month of the year. These accounts will not be eligible for this method of bill calculation when the property has a change of ownership, the use of the property changes, or improvements are made to the property that require City building or plumbing permits. Upon determination of non-eligibility by the City Treasurer or designee, a customer desiring elimination of irrigation water from the water meter reading may install a second water service and meter at his own expense that is dedicated to irrigation water. In this manner, the wastewater user charge will not include irrigation water that does not enter the sewer.
G. Vacancies: At any month during which the occupant does not occupy the residence or business, and does not show water use, the wastewater charge for that month shall be equal to the monthly service charge.
H. Change Of Use: The customer is responsible for immediate written notification to the City Finance Department of any change in use for correct classification for billing. No adjustment to bills will be made sooner than sixty (60) days from written notification. (Ord. 3715 § 2, 2023: Ord. 3655 §2, 2020: Ord. 3599, 2018)