The notice required by section 12.36.510 of this chapter may be served in the following manner:
   A.   By personal service on the controller of said premises; and/or
   B.   By registered mail to the controller of said premises;
   C.   If said controller does not live within the city of Coeur d'Alene, by registered mail to the controller at the address shown on the last available assessment roll or as otherwise known, and by personal service on the occupant of the property if such person can be identified; or
   D.   Should the controller not be known and have an available address, by posting of such notice at a conspicuous place on the land or abutting right of way, and insertion of an advertisement at least once a week for a period of two (2) weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the city of Coeur d'Alene, and by personal service on the occupant of the property if such person can be identified. Said newspaper advertisement shall be a general notice that property in the city of Coeur d'Alene has been posted in accordance with this chapter and contain a general statement of the effect of such posting. The date of such newspaper advertisement shall not be considered in computing the appeal periods provided by this chapter. (Ord. 2143 §27, 1988: Ord. 1878 §1(part), 1985)