It shall be unlawful for any person to:
A. Store oil, gasoline, chemicals and other materials which might be harmful to the trees around public trees and shrubs;
B. Attach wires, signs and power sources to the trees unless otherwise authorized by the coordinator;
C. Dump paint thinner, paint, plaster or other toxic wastes, liquid or solid, on the ground between the base of the tree and the point at which the longest branch terminates, or uphill from any tree where that substance might reach the roots through the leaching process;
D. Expose portions of trees to frequent contact with construction equipment unless protected by the controller or contractor as directed by the urban forestry coordinator;
E. Make cuts in the ground near roots of trees unless appropriate measures are taken to prevent exposed soil from drying out and causing damage to tree roots;
F. Damage roots located on public property by excessively compacting or filling on or around the base of a tree. (Ord. 2143 §19, 1988: Ord. 1878 §1(part), 1985)