A.   Local streets not exceeding one City block or one intersection may be temporarily closed for block watch events provided that the following requirements are met:
      1.   At least two-thirds (2/3) of the area abutting the street or intersection to be closed is residentially zoned and the purpose of the block watch event is consistent with residential zoning regulations;
      2.   A valid permit has been obtained from the City Clerk;
      3.   The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees from any and all claims, damages, or suits that may arise or in any way be occasioned by the granting of a permit or the maintenance of the block watch event; and
      4.   The applicant agrees to clean all debris and litter from the street and sidewalks within four (4) hours after the event.
   B.   All abutting or adjacent property owners, as well as the property owners on the corner lots immediately across the intersection on the opposite side of the street closure, must be notified of the block watch event and of the right to file a written objection to the event with the City Clerk.
   C.   The applicant for any block watch event must have an approved traffic control plan and shall be solely responsible for obtaining, placing, and removing any required barricades or traffic control devices. (Ord. 3606, 2018)