CHANGE OF USE: A change in the activity group classification of use or a change in the facility for a use such that an intensification of use results.
DISPLAY LOTS: Those lots, parcels or portions of property used for the purpose of sale, rental, storage or lease of cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, other motorized vehicles, boats, mobile heavy equipment, and for the sale or storage of mobile homes.
DRIVEWAYS: Those roadways that provide access into and through a parking area from a street to the parking aisles, and those roadways that provide interior circulation between parking areas.
PATIENT CARE ROOM: Any room in a medical or healthcare office that is used for consultation, examination, or treatment.
SHARED USE PARKING: The sharing of parking spaces by adjacent, nonconflicting land uses at different periods of the day.
TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION PARKING LOTS: Parking lots used solely for the purpose of replacing parking displaced by construction for a period not to exceed eighteen (18) months, expiration of the building permit for the construction project or issuance of a certificate of occupancy whichever is shorter.
TRAFFIC AISLES: Roadways within a parking area which have parking spaces taking access from either or both sides and which are intended primarily to provide direct access to parking spaces. (Ord. 3181 §1, 2004: Ord. 2239 §2, 1989: Ord. 2070 §1, 1987: Ord. 1764 §2(part), 1982)