A.   Buildings within the DC district shall only be permitted to exceed seventy five feet (75') if they comply with the bulk, spacing, and setback standards indicated in the sections of this article that follow. Buildings that comply with the standards, as well as accumulate sufficient floor area ratio through bonuses, may extend as high as two hundred feet (200').
   B.   Mechanical penthouses, stair/elevator overruns, and antennas may be excluded from building height calculation provided they are not more than fifteen feet (15') above the roof deck.
   C.   The building height may be increased by up to ten percent (10%) (resulting in an 83 foot base height limit and 220 feet for the maximum height with bonuses) if the top is designed as a nonhabitable, architectural element. (Ord. 3268 §18, 2006: Ord. 3096 §32, 2003: Ord. 2696 §2, 1995: Ord. 1691 §1(part), 1982)