(a) Applications for licenses for peddlers or solicitors shall be filed with the City Manager on a form to be furnished by the Manager, which shall require, at least, the following information:
(1) The name of the applicant and his physical description;
(2) The home address of the applicant and his social security number;
(3) The name and address of the person by whom the applicant is employed or for whom he is soliciting;
(4) The length of the applicant's service with such employer or person for whom he is soliciting;
(5) All places of residence of the applicant and all employment during the preceding year;
(6) The nature and character of the goods to be sold or services to be furnished by the applicant or the purpose for which funds are being solicited;
(7) The names of other municipalities in which the applicant has recently conducted activities for which a license is herein required;
(8) That the applicant or his employer has complied with the requirements of Ohio R.C. Chapter 1716 pertaining to charitable solicitations, if applicable.
(b) The applicant shall furnish a recent photograph of himself not more than one year old. Such application shall be made at least forty-eight hours before the license is issued.
(c) If the City Manager determines after an investigation, that the information furnished under the requirements of subsection (a) hereof is correct, the applicant proposes to engage in lawful commercial or professional enterprise and neither the applicant nor the enterprise upon which the applicant proposes to engage constitutes a clear and present danger to the residents of the Municipality, he shall issue a license to the applicant.