(a)   Every company, association or corporation owning or operating any railroad located in whole or in part within the City limits shall construct and hereafter maintain in good repair, safe and sufficient street crossings for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians over its tracks on every street crossed by such railroad, and shall also maintain suitable culverts and drains where ordered by Council. Such street crossings shall be constructed of plank not less than three inches thick, well spiked to ties or stringers and covering the space between the rails, extending to a line one foot outside the rails, and built on a level with the rails. Such crossings shall be constructed and repaired as provided by Council.
   (b)   If any company, association or corporation referred to in this section refuses or neglects to construct any crossing thirty days after having due notice of the passage of a resolution requiring the constructing of any such crossing as provided in this section or refuses or neglects to repair any crossing within ten days after having due notice of the passage of a resolution requiring such repair, Council shall cause the same to be done and may recover the costs of so doing with interest thereon in a civil action against the railroad company, association or corporation in the name of the City before any court of competent jurisdiction.
(1938 Code Sec. 204, 205)
   (c)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor in addition to any liability arising from any civil action. Each day on which a violation occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate offense.