The Tax Administrator has the authority to perform all duties and functions necessary and appropriate to implement the provisions of this Chapter, including without limitation:
   (A)   Exercise all powers whatsoever of an inquisitorial nature as provided by law, including, the right to inspect books, accounts, records, memorandums, and federal and state income tax returns, to examine persons under oath, to issue orders or subpoenas for the production of books, accounts, papers, records, documents, and testimony, to take depositions, to apply to a court for attachment proceedings as for contempt, to approve vouchers for the fees of officers and witnesses, and to administer oaths; provided that the powers referred to in this division of this section shall be exercised by the Tax Administrator only in connection with the performance of the duties respectively assigned to the Tax Administrator under a municipal corporation income tax ordinance or resolution adopted in accordance with this chapter;
   (B)    Appoint agents and prescribe their powers and duties;
   (C)   Confer and meet with officers of other municipal corporations and states and officers of the United States on any matters pertaining to their respective official duties as provided by law;
   (D)   Exercise the authority provided by law, including orders from bankruptcy courts, relative to remitting or refunding taxes, including penalties and interest thereon, illegally or erroneously imposed or collected, or for any other reason overpaid, and, in addition, the Tax Administrator may investigate any claim of overpayment and make a written statement of the Tax Administrator's findings, and, if the Tax Administrator finds that there has been an overpayment, approve and issue a refund payable to the taxpayer, the taxpayer's assigns, or legal representative as provided in this chapter;
   (E)   Exercise the authority provided by law relative to consenting to the compromise and settlement of tax claims;
   (F)   Exercise the authority provided by law relative to the use of alternative apportionment methods by taxpayers in accordance with section 183.062 of this Chapter;
   (G)   Make all tax findings, determinations, computations, assessments and orders the Tax Administrator is by law authorized and required to make and, pursuant to time limitations provided by law, on the Tax Administrator's own motion, review, redetermine, or correct any tax findings, determinations, computations, assessments or orders the Tax Administrator has made, but the Tax Administrator shall not review, redetermine, or correct any tax finding, determination, computation, assessment or order which the Tax Administrator has made for which an appeal has been filed with the Local Board of Tax Review or other appropriate tribunal, unless such appeal or application is withdrawn by the appellant or applicant, is dismissed, or is otherwise final;
   (H)    Destroy any or all returns or other tax documents in the manner authorized by law;
   (I)   Enter into an agreement with a taxpayer to simplify the withholding obligations described in section 183.051 of this Chapter.
      (Ord. 2018-16. Passed 2-20-18.)