156.02 DUTIES.
   The Department of Parks and Cemeteries shall in addition to all duties now imposed upon the present Cemetery Department have the additional duties as described below. Such duties as described herein shall, effective herewith, no longer be within the jurisdiction of the Recreation Board.
   (a)    All park and City mowing;
   (b)    Park snow plowing and City snow plowing as assigned by Service Director;
   (c)    Maintenance and cleaning parks and cemetery buildings;
   (d)    Maintenance of cemetery and park equipment and vehicles;
   (e)    Swimming pool maintenance;
   (f)    Maintenance of playground equipment and roads;
   (g)    Park fence repair;
   (h)    Daily clean-up and trash removal in parks and cemeteries;
   (i)    Erection and removal of stages, stands and displays for recreational and assigned non-recreational purposes;
   (j)    Pond and dam cleaning at Community Park including clean-up of Coon Creek within the park;
   (k)    Clearing of brush and pruning of trees within parks and cemeteries;
   (l)    Cleaning up of storm damage;
   (m)    Operation and maintenance of flood gate;
   (n)    Removal of dead or unwanted trees within cemeteries and parks (with approval of landscape committee);
   (o)    Leaf pick-up in cemeteries and parks; and
   (p)    Other duties which may be related to parks and cemeteries or as assigned by the Service Director.
      (Ord. 1985-15. Passed 3-5-85.)