(a)   All monumental work shall be designed and executed in such a manner as to insure the most permanent construction.
   (b)   To avoid crowded conditions of placed monuments, only one family monument will be permitted on any lot.
   (c)   All monuments will be set at the head of each site, except in Section 2, on the east side, in which case they are set at the foot of each site.
   (d)   All vases shall have a base.
   (e)   Prior to purchase of any monument, the Parks and Cemetery Superintendent or the Cemetery Sexton shall be contacted to assist owners in selecting designs of monuments, thus preserving the harmony with other surrounding monuments and avoiding duplication.
   (f)   All monuments and markers shall be set upon a concrete foundation. Foundations will be constructed by cemetery employees. The foundation will be constructed using Class C Concrete at a minimum depth of three (3) feet and finished at ground level. All foundations will be sized to match the planned monument. Foundations in Section 5 and Section 6 will be four (4) inches wider and four (4) inches longer than the planned monument. Foundations that have failed due to weather conditions will be replaced by cemetery employees and at City expense.
   (g)   Foundations will be installed during the months of April and October of each calendar year.
   (h)   Persons engaged in placing monuments or other structures must provide planking to prevent injury to the sod, and are prohibited from attaching ropes to trees, except as directed by the Parks and Cemetery Superintendent.
(Ord. 2011-74. Passed 1-3-12.)