The order of numbering buildings, houses and residences in the City shall be as follows:
   (a)    For such purpose it shall be deemed that all streets radiate east and west from N. Main Street and S. Main Street, and north and south from E. Buckeye Street and W. Buckeye Street in the City; all streets shall be deemed to run north, which run more nearly north than east or west; all streets shall be deemed to run south, which run more nearly south than east or west; all streets shall be deemed to run east, which run more nearly east than north or south; all streets shall be deemed to run west, which run more nearly west than north or south.
   (b)    The beginning point in placing numbers on any street or avenue shall be in direct reference to its termination or its nearest point of proximity to the streets and avenues named in the provisions of this section and then continuing towards the City limits. The numbers in each and every instance shall alternate, placing the even numbers on the south and east sides of the streets.
   (c)    The starting point for numbering any irregular street shall be that terminus nearest the starting points on streets and avenues regularly laid out and considered thoroughfares, and those streets and avenues specially provided for in this chapter and dividing the streets and avenues of the City into four distinct, separate sections.
   (d)    It is especially provided, however, independent of the foregoing provisions, that Maple Street, Vine Street and Buckeye Street shall be considered as running east and west, but Mulberry Street, Ott Street and Spring Street shall be considered as running north and south.
   (e)    Each numbering shall begin with 100, and one whole number shall be allowed to each twenty feet of ground, whether improved or vacant, except that any house or tenement with less number of feet frontage shall receive a whole number.
      (1938 Code §194)