Beginning on or about March 1, 1981, and each five (5) years thereafter, the Manager, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, shall appoint a commission of nine qualified electors of the Municipality to be known as a Charter Review Commission. Members of the same shall not be elective or appointed officers or employees of the Municipality or any of its boards or commissions.
   Interested, qualified persons may submit their names for service on such commission to the City Manager prior to March 1st of the year in which said commissions shall be convened although the City Manager shall not be bound to make appointments for those names submitted. The City Manager shall provide notice of the pending selection of such commission by publication sufficiently in advance of the appointment date.
   In attempt to promote continuity on the commission, for the members to be appointed in 1996 and thereafter, the Manager shall appoint up to three (3) individuals, if available and willing to serve, who served on the immediately preceding Charter Review Commission.
   Such commission shall review and recommend to the council any alterations, revisions and amendments to this Charter as in its judgment seem desirable for consideration by the electorate at the general election in November of the year following the year in which such commission is convened. The Council shall submit to the electors any such proposed alterations, revisions, or amendments in the manner prescribed herein.
(Amended November 3, 1992)