(a)   Zoning Certificate Required. No person shall locate, erect, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, or structurally alter any building, accessory building, utility building or structure within the City, or change the use of the building or land without first obtaining an approved zoning certificate.
   (b)    Application. Applications for a zoning certificate are available at the Office of the City Manager; and when completed, are to be filed at the Office of the City Manager. Each application shall include the following:
      (1)    Name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
      (2)    Two copies of a scale drawing showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon, or to be changed in use, in whole or in part;
      (3)    The location of the lot, its current use(s), and the zoning district in which it is located;
      (4)    The location on the lot, the lot coverage, and the height of any building or structure to be erected or altered;
      (5)    The use proposed for each building, structure or area;
      (6)    The number of dwelling units, commercial uses, and industrial uses each building is designed to accommodate, if applicable;
      (7)    The required fee; and
      (8)    Other information as requested by the City Manager for the effective administration of the Zoning Ordinance.
      (9)    A zoning certificate, or a written notification and explanation of noncertification shall be issued to the applicant within ten working days of the date of filing. Failure to notify the applicant within this time period shall constitute grounds for submittal of the application for certification to the Board of Zoning Appeals as an administrative appeal.
   (c)    Time Limit. If the zoning certificate is issued for the purpose of constructing a new building or structure and such construction is not begun within a six month period, then the zoning certificate shall be null and void. If after one year, in the judgment of the City Manager, substantial progress is not being made towards the completion of the project, the City Manager shall notify the certificate holder in writing that the certificate is null and void. The certificate holder must appear before the Board of Zoning Appeals to show why the zoning certificate should be renewed.
(Ord. 1985-40. Passed 8-6-85.)