(a) The installation of other public utility lines shall be carried out in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared for the subdivider by the Northern Ohio Telephone Company, General Telephone Company and Toledo Edison Company or Clyde Light and Power and these plans and profiles shall be reviewed and approved by the Service Director. All plans and profiles shall be subject to final approval by the Planning Commission and Council. All utility lines for telephones, electric service and street lights shall be placed underground with the exception of existing overhead lines and high-tension power lines. The underground utility lines shall be located at the rear of the zoning lots and shall be physically separated from the public water and sewer lines. Markers shall be placed aboveground at the right of way lines on both sides of all streets that the underground lines traverse.
(Ord. 1993-101. Passed 11-16-93.)
(b) Where telephone and/or electric service lines are to be placed underground throughout the subdivision, the conduit or cables shall be located within easements or public rights of way in trenches, in a manner which will not conflict with other underground services. All transformers and terminal boxes shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public.
(c) All excavations for public utilities made under paved areas shall be properly backfilled with approved granular materials thoroughly compacted in place and the pavement shall be restored in kind.
(d) Gas lines may be required to be installed within the proposed plat prior to acceptance of the required public improvements by the City when such gas lines are immediately adjacent or in close proximity to the plat as determined by the Planning Commission.
(Ord 1974-99. Passed 10-22-74.)