(a) The subdivider shall install the required storm drainage improvements in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by his registered professional engineer and shall be reviewed and approved by the Service Director to meet the minimum engineering design standards and materials specifications stated in the City's rules and regulations and in accordance with the City's storm drainage plan. Storm drainage improvements shall be carried out under City supervision within the time fixed or agreed upon by the Service Director, and all inspection and review costs shall be paid for by the subdivider.
(b) All necessary facilities, including underground pipe, inlets, catch or open drainage ditches, shall be installed to provide adequate disposal of subsurface and surface water and maintenance of natural drainage courses. All storm drainage facilities within the subdivision shall connect to an adequate drainage course.
(c) A storm sewer and storm water drainage system adequate to serve the needs of the proposed new streets and the entire subdivision will be required in each new subdivision. Where an adequate public storm sewer main is available at the plat boundary, the subdivider shall construct a storm sewer system and connect with such storm sewer main. If such storm sewer systems are not accessible, adequate storm water drainage shall be provided by natural drainage channels with easements of adequate width.
(d) Culverts and/or bridges shall be required where natural drainage channels intersect any street right of way. Culverts shall extend across the entire right-of-way width of the existing or proposed street. The minimum diameter of a culvert pipe shall be eighteen inches. Driveway culverts shall have a minimum length of twenty feet and a minimum diameter of twelve inches.
(Ord. 1974-99. Passed 10-22-74.)
(Ord. 1974-99. Passed 10-22-74.)